Betty Crocker gluten free product review...

I am always trying out new gluten free products. I've learned that not everything always tastes great and its a lot of trial and error in finding products that actually taste good! Betty Crocker makes gluten free mixes for cakes, cookies, and brownies. I am sure they make other products but those just happen to be the ones that I have tried. 

To me, these brownies taste so much better than "regular" brownies. Whenever I go to a get together and have to bring something I always make these. Most people can't believe they are gluten free because they think gluten free stuff will taste bad.... but Betty Crocker choclate gluten free brownies are always a hit!

Because I was so amazed with the brownies, I decided I would give the chocolate chip cookies a try. Once again I myself couldn't believe how good they were. I have tried other brands and this one is by far my favorite.

Last on my list is the gluten free yellow cake mix. I actually just made cupcakes with this mix tonight, which prompted me to write this product review! This was my first time using this mix and the cupcakes came out delicious. So for all of you gluten free eaters out there looking for yummy desserts I suggest you try Betty Crockers gluten free line. You won't be disappointed!, pub-6617420907484883, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

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