Christmas Tour

Welcome to our first Christmas home tour! This weekend I have been very busy putting Christmas touches all over the house. Here you get to take a peek and hopefully find some inspiration of your own. Enjoy!

This wreath hangs on an old window above my kitchen sink that I bought upstate and little red berries sit in a glass bottle that I found in dead horse bay.

I also added wreaths to some of the kitchen cabinets and garland above.

In the living room we have placed our tree in front of the window. This year I decided to place the tree inside a bucket. I love the way it looks inside of it!

We don't have a fire place or any kind of mantle to hang our stockings from... so I had to improvise. I decided to use our buffet table to hang them. I also used alot of objects that I already had and pieces of nature and tweaked them to make them fit my Christmas decor.

We kept the dining room pretty simple... added another shutter to hold Christmas cards and a few more wreaths and a Christmasy center piece.

What are some of your favorite christmas decorations??, pub-6617420907484883, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

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