couples poses for holiday photos

I used to always feel so awkward taking a photo with my honey. Where do I put my hands? What should I do with my legs? After lots of trial and error I have learned these 3 poses that have worked for me. 

In the photo above I positioned myself on an angle with half my body behind my significant other. I held his left hand and used my right to hold his arm. Then I gently rest my head on his arm.

In this photo above I have again, angled my body so that it is partially hidden behind my significant other. I place my hand on his stomach and I looked up at him with my knee slightly bent.

This pose is similar to the first pose except here I am sitting. Again my body is slightly hidden behind my significant other and my head is slightly resting on his. I am not fully sitting down, I am more just resting most of my weight on the arm of the chair. 

 And lastly, this is one of my favorites. Arms around the shoulders, and his hand holding mine. So simple yet beautiful.

I hope these poses help you when you take your holiday photos. I have my insecurities just like everyone else and these are my go to's., pub-6617420907484883, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

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