its all in the details....

Happy Sunday friends! Its been a busy weekend for me. I had a vision in my head of 3 christmas trees grouped together, like a mini tree farm. I tried it out and in person I loved it but in photographs.... not so much. Everything just ended up looking like a big blob. So I took down everything and sat with a blank slate for a few days. And then it hit me. I got an idea to use gold frames as ornaments. I went thrifting to try and find what I was looking for but I just couldn't find what I needed. I did some looking around and found some frames on amazon and they were perfect for my idea.

Next, I knew I wanted to keep it elegant so I thought what better way to do that than with pearls and ribbon. Amazon for the win again. These ribbons and pearls elevated this look so much. They added warmth and texture and a simple beauty to this tree. I even added them to the mantel garland. What an upgrade!

 You can shop the items I used here . Don't forget you can follow me on LTK, instagram, facebook & pinterest for more inspiration and daily updates., pub-6617420907484883, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

black friday deals


cozy closet finds