mini pumpkin pies

Who doesn't love pumpkin pie this time of year? Its one of my favorites. These mini pumpkin pies are perfect. You can use them at a party as a dessert or a party favor. You can keep them in your fridge to have as a little snack. The best part? They are easy to make and delicious. Scroll down for the recipe.

mini pumpkin pies

mini keebler ready made graham cracker pie crusts

1 can of pumpkin puree

1 can of sweetened condensed milk

2 eggs

3 TSP of pumpkin pie spice (I used a pre-made pumpkin pie spice, you  )

pre-heat oven to 425 degrees farenheit

combine pumpkin puree, eggs, sweetened condensed milk, and pumpkin pie spice in a bowl until well blended. 

pour into mini pie crusts & bake for 15-20 minutes

Allow to cool and top with whipped cream.

ENJOY!, pub-6617420907484883, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

halloween charcuterie


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