My favorite hair products

As many of you know I am a huge hair person! I've tried many many products. My hair is naturally curly but I always wear it straight. So for me, I need the right products to reduce frizz and keep my hair as smooth as possible even on rainy days. I've narrowed down some of my favorites in an effort to help you guys with some of your hair woes! 

Before I start blow drying my hair, I towel dry it and spray it with Goldwell dualsenses color brilliance serum spray.

Next I brush it out and I put a small amount of KMS tame frizz lotion. I love the way this stuff smells!

I use a paddle brush to dry my hair rather than a round brush. For me this is what works best. Then after I have dried it I spray it with KMS hair stay, then I flat iron and spray it again with the same KMS spray. It gives your hair a natural shine and its humidity blocking so it helps tame the frizz.

I have to be honest, I wash my hair 2 times a week. This helps minimize the damage from wearing it straight all the time. 

In between washes I use KMS hair play when I feel like it needs a refreshing. 

And that's it! Hopefully these products help you keep your hair happy and healthy! You can find alot of these products at your local beauty store, ulta, and amazon. I shop around as they can be more on the pricier side., pub-6617420907484883, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

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