Holiday gifts Under $25
I love the holiday season. I love giving gifts. I always feel like no matter what everyone should have atleast one gift to open. Sometimes that adds up, so today i am giving you some thoughtful but not so pricey gifts to warm someones heart.
I have a hard time sometimes shopping for the men in my life. No matter who it is, cousin, brother, uncle, spouse, you can't go wrong with these thermals. They come in multiple colors and they are only $9.96
gillette fusion5 mens razor holiday gift pack - $9.88 makes a great stocking stuffer as well
These mainstays extra plush sherpa throw blankets are the perfect cozy gift for literally anyone. And at $8.88 you can pair it with some slippers and/or a gift card and you're all set.
Movie Night for 2 gift set $12.98 a fun gift to pair with a cozy throw and some cozy socks
joy cuff inspirational cuff $14.97 This is a cute cuff bracelet with inspirational and funny sayings on them. They have a bunch of sayings to choose from
beard grooming and trimming kit is $19.88 and comes with so much. Its perfect for the bearded men in your life!
These are just a few ideas to get you started on your holiday gift lists. Happy shopping!, pub-6617420907484883, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0