Curb side table makeover

I have been searching everywhere for a small table for my hallway for as long as I can remember. Just the other day when I was on my way to work I saw the perfect size table just sitting there on the curb. It wasnt the color I wanted but the size was just right. So I tossed it in the car and brought it home for a little makeover.

Here is what it looked like before.

I decided to go with white... I have been on a white kick for a while now and I am literally in the process of painting almost everything I own some shade of white.. so this table was not safe from white paint either.

Here is what it looks like after.... you also get a sneak peek at my hallway after which I will be doing a post on later this week. On a side note sorry for the terrible lighting... its not a very bright hallway which may be the next project on the list., pub-6617420907484883, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Hand-print Turkey


A Gluten Free Thanksgiving