Popsicle stick reindeer frame....

Christmas is approaching rather quickly and so is the December break. That means its time to send home the gifts the children make for their parents. This year we made popsicle reindeer frames.

You will need:
4 popsicle sticks
Glue gun
Brown paint

First I glued the popsicle sticks together to make a frame.... i measured around a 4x6 photo since we would be using these for pictures of the children.
Next i had the children paint the frame brown and also had the children make 2 handprints for the antlers.

Then i photographed each child wear a Rudolph nose. I used a red piece of construction paper and tape to temporarily stick it to their noses. (I will not post photos of the kids so here is a picture of yours truly)

I used picmonkey.com to edit the photos with the black and white focal effect to leave only the nose red.

Then we attached the hand prints to the top of the frame and inserted the picture and there you have it! Rudolph the red nose reindeer!

We gave these as gifts to the parents and they were a huge hit! 
google.com, pub-6617420907484883, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Bottle opener with cap catcher...


Simple Handprint reindeer