Last Minute Halloween Costume DIY

I always try to out do myself from the previous year with homemade Halloween costumes. This year with the help of Pinterest I was able to combine a few different ideas to create my flower pot costume. The whole thing cost about $20 and everything I purchased was from Walmart.

First I bought the a plastic tub and cut the bottom off. Next I used duct tape to attach the flowers to the inside of the tub. Then I tied a piece of elastic through the handles of the tub. I took one flower apart and used some of the pieces in my hair.

For my makeup I used a piece of the flower I took apart and cut it in half. I attached it with eyelash glue and used purple shadow to blend.

This is probably one of my favorite last minute costumes! What are some of your favorite DIY Halloween costumes?, pub-6617420907484883, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

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