october classroom decor...
I know I have been M.I.A and haven't posted in a while... its been a long summer and a long first month back to reality!
I just changed my classroom decorations from apples to halloween! For my door I skipped the standard pumpkins and went with something a little different. A trick or treat bag and candy!
I used a template of the trick or treat bag from one of my books.I blew up just the trick or treat bag and traced it out on orange construction paper added the details with some markers and ribbon.
Next I had to choose what kind of candy I wanted to use to put the kids names on.... I went with lollipops.
I used thin wood sticks and taped them to the back of a construction paper lollipop cut out.
I love the final outcome. A few assorted pieces of candy and a festive border and a quick and easy and super cute door!! This border is from creative teaching press... I love all of their stuff, they are my go to website for cute classroom decore!
google.com, pub-6617420907484883, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0