One day kitchen makeover!
This weekend I decided to take on painting my kitchen. I live in a rental so there isn't much I am allowed to do to change the place but I am allowed to paint. This project just goes to show you that paint can change an entire room and it doesn't cost much. It took me about 6 hours to complete the whole kitchen. Here are a few before pictures of my kitchen. Boring white paint on the walls.
Here are some after pictures. I used Benjamin Moore "Harbor Haze" I had to find a color that complimented all of the colors in my kitchen.... the oak cabinets, the brown and tan counter top, the stainless steel, and the beige tile. This color is a blue/green/gray color depending on the lighting as you can see in the photos., pub-6617420907484883, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0