back to school
Since summer is coming to an end I thought I would show off my door decor for September.
Apples are always standard for back to school. I wanted a cute way to display mine so I made a barrel and a tree. Here I will show you how I made this super cute tree for my classroom door.
For the tree I used brown butcher paper to make the trunk and the branches. I drew on lines and curves to make it look more realistic.
Next I used 2 different green colored tissue paper for the "leaves".
I bunched three pieces together and secured it with a rubber band.
Next I used Mavalus tape ( This tape is awesome. Its super sticky and doesn't damage the walls or remove the paint. I put it on the base of the 'leaves".
I attached about 10-12 bunches to the top of the tree and added paper apples and a barrel.
A simple DIY classroom door thats super cute and inviting!, pub-6617420907484883, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0