Magical Hair Products.
I'm a total hair fanatic. I love to change my color and my cut all the time... and with whatever I choose for the month (haha... my hair really does change that often) ... I usually need new products. So I thought that I would do a post on some of my favorite hair products and why....
I don't know how many of you have ever tried the keratin express blowout treatment... but if you haven't then you should. I am in love with it. It lasts for about 6 weeks if you don't wash your hair everyday. I have naturally curly hair but 98% of the time I always wear it straight... the keratin express helps keep the frizz away in this gross humidity.... but of course there are special shampoo and conditioner that you have to use.... here are my favorites:
The next product I use is to protect my hair before I blow dry and flat iron.... it smells amazing and you can also use it on dry hair:
The nice thing about this product is that they make a few different types... they have one for blondes and highlights, one for thick to coarse color treated hair, and one for normal to fine hair. Truly my favorite hair product., pub-6617420907484883, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0